
Mold industry in the rapid development of wool interest rate is still the uplink channel

Column:Industrial News Time:2011-05-25
Tooling refers to the industrial production by injection molding, casting or forging production of products used in a variety of models and tools.

Tooling refers to the industrial production by injection molding, casting or forging production of products used in a variety of models and tools. Mold industrial production is the basic technical equipment, known as" the mother of industry". According to statistics, 75% of the crude processing industrial parts, 50% of the finished parts are required by molding, and the vast majority of plastic products by molding.

According to the forming of different materials, mold can be divided into metal mold and metal mold metal mold, which mainly casting and stamping die mold, a metal mold is mainly plastic mold. Plastic molds and stamping die is the main mold species, the market dimensions 2010 respectively reached 63000000000 and 52000000000, respectively, the 45% and 37% mold industry. Plastic mold plastic products mainly used for pressing, stamping die is mainly used for the cold stamping forming of metal materials.

Industry rapid development continues to expand   Since 2000, benefit from lower automotive, electronics, plastics industry's rapid development, China's mold industry has achieved great development. Mold industry income from 14000000000 yuan in 2003 rapid growth to 140000000000 yuan in 2010, 8 years to grow 10 times, annual average growth rate of 28% or more. Financial crisis just makes industry growth rate slowed to 12.5%, still much higher than the GDP growth rate, visible mould industry in our country the development momentum is very powerful.

In general, mold manufacturers need to customized according to customer demand for mold materials used -- die steel, and then choose the appropriate mold standard parts construction formwork, finally design mold, forming mold. Therefore the mold industry industry chain mainly includes three sub industries: Die Steel ( raw material ), mold ( standard ) and die (finished ).


Die steel import substitution and broad prospects. Die steel is used to manufacture of mold steel, mold and the mold is the production of raw materials, directly affect the service life of the mold and molding quality. In 2010, China's steel consumption amounted to 12900000000 dollar, grow 20% than 2009. Our country is successive five years to become the world's steel consumption is the biggest country, accounting for 21% of global consumption, over the same period of domestic die steel production of only $7000000000, although has the world's third largest steel producer, but the gap between supply and demand of $5900000000, a high degree of dependence on imports amounted to 46%, and the high-grade export mold and mold material almost all rely on imports. With the domestic enterprises gradually master die steel production technology, the domestic steel industry development prospects, industry growth rate reached 37% in 2010.


Standard cover lifting driving frame needs. Mold is a mold supporting, is in the mold design of standardized parts. The general mold, many structures are the same, the difference is only each mold molding part. The use of mold and mold standard parts can shorten the production time of 25%-40% die, die to save processing time of more than 25%, to mold manufacturers save time is very impressive, so mold design manufacturers generally used standard mold to make the mold.At present our country mold standard parts used are still relatively backward, coverage alone is estimated at around 45%, while foreign mature market coverage rate can reach more than 70%. Standard parts coverage increase in mold rising demand for double move will drive the mould needs.Domestic exports of steel mold   Mold production mold industry chain in the last part, also is the most direct and downstream industry association of a ring. Benefit from the downstream demand increases, in 2010 China 's mold industry revenue reached 140000000000 yuan, grow 28% compared to the same period. In addition, in 2010 China's import of around $2000000000 a mold, the mold is almost with large, precision, complex, long life as the main representative of the content of high technology of mold, the mold of the foreign degree of dependency in 40% above. As you can see, the past five years import mold amount is very stable, explain our country on high-tech mold needs very rigid. At the same time, as China's mold production to enhance the competitiveness of our exports, mold rises quickly, 1999 exports of $130000000, $2200000000 in 2010, the average annual compound growth rate of 29%.


Broad downstream supporting mold needs, product competition to mold the consumption goods. Mold standard parts production as the upstream, its properties are similar to the capital goods, one-time purchase can support the long-term use. Therefore, the mold industry has a great value of amplification, the mold industry and the downstream part of the industry output value ratio can reach 1 : 100 level. Die in the production process of a very critical role, for example a model car for more than 4000 sets of molds, large covering parts of 300 sets; single refrigerator to die 350 pay, value 4000000 yuan; single washing machine to mold processing part 500, die 200 pay, value 20000000 yuan - 30000000 yuan; and notebook computers, communications equipment, building materials in the drainage tube, steel doors and windows, instrumentation and so on industry needs a large number of die support. An industry to implement the production, must by mold, the mold has a wide range of downstream industry support, demand is very huge.

At the same time, the downstream industry competition is more and more intense, product upgrading faster, led directly to the mold industry and consumer goods: die using cycle will be shortened greatly, the mold is more like a kind of consumer goods, replacing the more and more high frequency. Therefore, we think, mold industry will reap the downstream industry competition advantage, can obtain continuous smooth rapidder growth.

We believe, mold consumer trend will drive the mold industry development, industry chain of mold steel, mold and die manufacturing will benefit. The mold industry will appear in three important changes: the first is the mold industry market scale will be bigger, for the upstream mold steel demand will accelerate the rise; second is the mold standard parts coverage rate will increase, increased demand for mold products; third strong ability to mold development, short delivery time mold enterprises will gain competitive advantage.


The short wool interest rate is still the uplink channel   As the mold is customized fine products, mold industry gross margin is generally better than the downstream industry. In the 2004-2007 years, mold the industry average profit level is close to 20%, while the downstream auto parts, automobile manufacturing, household electrical appliance industry gross average only 15%. After the financial crisis, vehicle production enterprises gross margin increased quickly, but the mold industry profit rate is still lower than the average in the history.


At present the domestic steel prices remained stable, the price of steel at a low level in 2007 since. At the same time, lower household appliances, automotive, electronics industry vigorous investment. Auto industry since 2009 since the massive investment in fixed assets, general construction cycle in 18 months or so, now still in production release period, 2011 die demand will get some support. We therefore expect, mold industry gross margin level is still in the uplink interval.

China's mold industry has apparent area of Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta region, which is China's most concentrated mold of origin.

Guangdong is to mould industry in our country the main market, but also China's largest mold export and import, production value occupies the 40% above of the whole nation. As a result of electronics, toys and other industries are very developed, is very strong demand for mold. Guangdong region has a complete mold industry chain, mold processing equipment NC rate and equipment performance, mold processing technology, professional production level and standard level ahead of other provinces and cities. Yangtze River Delta is China's   mold market is another focus, for market of our country mould into about four. One of the largest in Zhejiang Province, the Yangtze River Delta region die accounted for over 70% of production, mainly in Ningbo city and Taizhou city. 

Die industry agglomeration is mainly due to the upstream and downstream industry agglomeration caused, mold production concentration can shorten mold supply cycle, responsive to the fast-paced production trend. Therefore, in the mold industry company, need to pay special attention to the company location away from the end user group the distance is too far. The ideal situation is to select a region of the leading enterprises.


Mold industry investment three masterstroke   Line a: die steel supply and demand gap is big, selection of advanced technology as well as the rapid expansion of the scale of the company. China is the country with the biggest consumption of die steel, the market is very broad, the future of the industry development prospects. However, the present stage our country mould steel supply and demand gap is huge, the degree of dependence on foreign high of 46%, from Japan, Germany, Sweden and other countries to import large quantities of high quality die steel. Investigate its reason, is because the die steel mold costs accounted for only 20%, while the mold processing fee is very expensive ( total cost of 60% above ), if the choice of inferior die steel, the life of mold and molding quality will be greatly affected. For example, the domestic H13 steel die casting die life 30000 - 5 Wan Mo, and imported high quality H13 steel die life of up to 200000 times, corresponding to the final product output value can be increased by 4 times and 6 times. Service life of die gap that domestic mould manufacturers would rather buy foreign production quality mold steel are reluctant to use imported materials.

However, the domestic die steel with foreign steel mills incomparable advantages. The first is the delivery time advantage. Second is the cost advantage. For the same specifications of products, domestic die steel prices only 1 foreign / 5 to 1 / 3. In recent years, China's steel production process and technology has made great progress, so we believe that as the technology matures further, domestic mould steel products can replace imported. Recommendations focus on technical breakthrough, the next period of time focusing on scale expansion of enterprises.


Line two: die carrier is the standardization of products, select a size advantage in the enterprise. At present our country mold standard parts use is still far behind the developed countries, the mold production cycle requirements to improve the coverage rate of mold standard parts. We believe that, with the mold profession competition intensifying, mould will be used more and more widely, and the mold cycle becomes shorter, the carrier of the demand will increase.

As the mold is the standardization of the product, we suggest attention have advantages of scale enterprises. In addition, due to the mold production with typical regional agglomeration, so the company plant location should be near the downstream users, good location good, the future new plant put into operation enterprises.

Line three : Die output amplification effect, pay attention to mold and parts production enterprise integration. Mold industry generally use a one-piece custom mode, according to customers samples or drawings for customized production, thus having a one-piece, many batches of nature. However, as a result of mold production has significant value of magnifying effect, downstream of the mold parts market scale far larger than the die 's value. For parts of the production, the most is the core part of the mold, so mold maker born with the potential to downstream expansion. The ideal situation is to get through the die and the lower parts of the production, so can not only make full use of on the die design ability, and can enjoy the downstream larger market.


Risk factors Austerity policy strictly than expected, leading to manufacturing industry fixed assets investment growth slowed considerably; the Japanese earthquake influence, electronic, automobile and other industries spare parts supply is insufficient, cause industry slowdown, a new mold cooling demand.


Reprinted from: China Light Industry Mold


2010, industry of our country mould first surplus of $130000000. The next period of time export growth will be sustained than the growth rate of imports, the surplus will continue to expand.